Rabu, 10 Juni 2015

Learning English - Essay

In the modern era is the whole human aspect required to be Able to have the ability to speak well and is especially true international language is the which in this case English. English has long been established as an international language that has been agreed upon by all countries in the world, where it is intended that all of the various parts of the world can Communicate smoothly without a hitch itself Because English is a language of inter-State one State to another. Therefore we all should know the importance of the English language in everyday life, especially in socializing Among people from one another, both domestic and abroad.

Several countries around the world have entered the English language in the curriculum at educational levels ranging from basic and higher education, given the critical importance of the English language itself. Even starting from the family environment HAS ALSO been applied habit to use English on each member of the family from the head of the family to her children. It can be seen that the importance of English in the social life of the community is that of many events Competitions around the world require the of participants and finalists for berbahsa English proficient either Actively or passively that is both Orally and in writing. Because if someone fluent in English only in writing only, the level will not be Able to be used in everyday life, especially for socializing Among the members of society.

 Moreover, in the affairs of state IS ALSO needed the expertise of a leader of a country to speak English, Because in every visit he made the most of the social activities that are in all corners of the world. Therefore, to be understood by the community who visited every head of state should be Able to use the English language properly and Correctly Orally and in writing. In every speech he delivered was Also a head of state should be Able to Communicate using the English language. 

The use of the English language IS ALSO not always dedicated to the head of the State only, but students and education practitioners even required to be Able to master the English language properly. It is intended that the future aims of education practitioners and educators should Also Be Able to Convey to students English Reviews their pupils well and Correctly Orally and in writing. That presumably importance of the English language in everyday life for all members of society worldwide.

 Given the importance of the English language itself then today many institutions specializing tutoring lessons delivered to students of Reviews their students is English. Ranging from basic to higher education each have the basic capabilities vary, so for example just for students who are still not Able to master English well then it will still be collected to the other students who have not been Also Able to master English with good and true. 

Therefore no need to feel worried or embarrassed if there is a student until the final level is still not Able to master the English language properly Because they will not be Gathered with the children in the elementary level or a training run English language courses. So, in this case there is no such thing as too late, even to learn English because of the importance of the English language itself

artikel bahasa inggris tentang bullying

Definition of Bullying
Bullying is derived from the word Bully, which is a word that refers to the notion of the "threat" that a person against another person (who generally weaker or "low" of actors), which cause psychological disorders for the victim (victim called bully bully boy or girl ) in the form of stress (which appears in the form of physical or psychological disorders, or both; for example, difficulty eating, physical pain, fear, low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, and others). Moreover, Bully usually lasts for a long time (annual) so it may affect victims psychologically. Actually, besides feelings above, a Bully victims also feel angry and upset with what happened to them. There is also a feeling angry, embarrassed and disappointed in herself for "letting" the incident they experienced. But they could not "resolve" it, including not dare to report the perpetrators in adults for fear of being labeled a coward, artisan ngadu, or even blame. With the emphasis that the bully is done by school-age children, it should be noted that one of the characteristics of school-age children is their egocentrism (everything is centered on him) is still dominant. So that when an incident happens to him, the child still think that it is because of him.

Definition of Bullying according sensitive (Characters Child Care) was bullying is the use of aggression with the intention of hurting another person either physically or mentally. Bullying can be physical actions, verbal, emotional and sexual.
Here is an example of action that includes kategory bullying; both individual and group perpetrator intentionally harm or threaten the victim by means of:

- Set aside someone from the association,
- Spreading gossip, mebuat nickname that is mockery,
- Work on a person to embarrass him,
- Intimidate or threaten the victim,
- Physically hurt,
- Do the bullying / pengompasan.

Bullying is not the same as occasional conflict or contention ordinary common in children. Conflict is a normal child and make the child learn how to negotiate and agree with each other. Bullying refers to measures aimed at hurting and done repeatedly. The victims are usually children who are weaker than the perpetrator.
According to Dan Olweus, Author of Bullying at School Bullying can be divided into two major parts:
1. Direct bullying: physical intimidation, verbal.
2. Indirect Bullying: social isolation.
Bullying was very painful for the victim. Nobody deserves to be bullied. Everyone has the right to be treated and valued appropriately and fairly. Bullying has a negative impact on the development of children's character, both for the victim and the perpetrator.

Here is an example of the impact of bullying to the victim:
- Depression
- Low self-esteem / self-conscious
- Shy and reclusive
- Decline in academic achievement
- Feeling socially isolated
- It occurred or even try to commit suicide

On the other hand, if left unchecked, bullies will learn that there is no risk whatsoever for them when they commit violence, aggression and threatening other children. When the adult actors that have a greater potential to be thugs or criminals and would bring problems in social interaction.

Certainly connection still remember the case in STPDN / IPDN that until the casualties. And who knows how many hundreds and perhaps even thousands and millions of people who never taste education in STPDN / IPDN damaged due to mental and soul has been in Bullying By his senior and in the end they reward back doing the same thing as his senior brother, do Bullying. And it will continue to happen for generations and its educational institutions Unsurprisingly is official scorer.
Bullying does not occur also among students and seniors but also often occur by the teacher and might not happen if the student who committed suicide in arrears SPP did not feel humiliated and marginalized in front of classmates. Whether it's because the calling repeatedly had to face the principal or a different treatment from the school for him. It could be that it will not happen again "ridiculous death" as a result of new admissions process, if we do not consider the practice of hazing as a matter of course.

Bully is divided into two forms, direct action such harm, threaten, or vilify others. While the shape is not directly incite, silence, or exclude others. Whatever the form of Bully by a child to other children, the goal is the same, namely to "suppress" the victim, and have the satisfaction of such treatment. Perpetrators satisfied look of fear, anxiety, and even hostility from his victim's eyes.

Characteristics Bully victims are those who are not able to fight or defend himself from Bully action. Bully usually appear at school age. Bully perpetrators have certain characteristics. Generally they are the children of the brave, not easily scared, and has certain basic motif. The main motive is usually found on the suspected offender Bully is their aggressiveness. In fact, there are other motives could also owned by the perpetrator Bully, ie low self-esteem and anxiety. Bully become a form of self-defense (defense mechanism) that is used by the perpetrator to mask feelings of inferiority and anxiety that. "The success of" actors do not act the bully may not continue into other forms of violence, even more dramatic.
As parents, we must be aware of the existence of bullying behavior in children, both children as victims or as perpetrators. Some things that can be observed in the case of bullying are:
How to recognize children who indicated experiencing intimidation at school? Some tips are summarized from various sources Kompas.com this might help you. The characteristics that must be considered include:
1. Reluctant to go to school
2. Often ill suddenly
3. Experiencing impairment
4. Goods owned by missing or damaged
5. Nightmare or even difficult to sleep
6. Sense of anger and hate the easier it overflows and increased
7. It is difficult to make friends with new friends

8. Has physical signs, such as bruises or cuts